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Albert Einstein's Birth Charts

 Let's analyze the birth chart of the great scientist Albert Einstein, who was given the title of "Man of the Twentieth Century" according to Vedic Nirayana Astrology. I think many of you have a general knowledge of his life. Therefore, my aim in writing this article is not to reconstruct Einstein's life, but to find out how far astrology can be understood based on only a few limited occasions of his life. It is by no means intended to highlight anything other than writing with an educational value that may be important to a new student of astrology.


Albert Einstein was born on Friday, March 14, 1879 at 11:30 am in Germany. According to this, below is a gross centroid diagram of scholar Einstein, prepared according to the Oriental Nirayana system.

In checking the status of the planets that affected the relevant place on that day;

01. The most powerful planet or Atmakaraka planet in this birth chart was Shukra or Venus. Venus is the inherent powerful benefic planet responsible for one's spouse, married life, other social relationships, imagination, sex, creativity, communication, sensitivity, style, wealth, beauty and talent as well as general happiness, fame and glory. Venus also lorded over the fifth house which was the powerful triangle as well as Vidyasthana and was at the culmination of communication power as the house of the moon with the supreme power of the tenth house which is the powerful karaka center.

02. Mercury was the Lagna lord. The first or lagna is the most powerful center. is the head of the native. Mercury is the ruler of intelligence, knowledge, science, academics and logic. Mercury, the Lagna lord, was placed as a karaka to the Moon and Saturn in the tenth, which is a powerful karaka center.

03. After Lagna in a birth chart, the most powerful center is the 10th, which is the Karakasthana. In the tenth, it looks like a quadruple combination of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Shani, but according to the Navamsha Chakra, only the Mercury-Saturn binary combination is actually applied. And the powerful benefic planet Guru, who is the tenth lord, is placed in a trine to the Moon in a trine to the ninth house.

04. Third lord Ravi is strong in tenth.

05. Shani, the Lord of Fate, is also in the 10th belonging to Guru, so there is a very powerful dharma-karma conversion yoga between Guru and Shani.

06. Mars and Rahu, which are inherent powerful malefic planets, appear to be placed in the eighth house, which is a powerful malefic house, among the auspicious places. As the lord of the 6th, which is an inimical house, Kuja is conjoined with Rahu in the 8th with high power.

07. Moon in Avar Paksha is inimical.

The dasha is as follows;

About ten years from birth (to 03/06/1889) Mercury's Mahadasha.
Ketu's Mahadasha from 03/06/1889 to 03/06/1896.
You may remember that Mercury and Ketu are the planets that obviously represent intelligence and education.Mercury was also the lagna lord. Correspondingly, little Einstein received his basic education very well.

From 03/06/1896 to 03/07/1916 Venus's Mahadasa.
I mentioned above that Venus was the soul planet of scholar Einstein. This was the glorious period of his life. Especially in the year 1905, which is considered as the year of miracles (Annus Mirabilis / Year of miracles) in the life of this scholar, Guru Thera Inter Dasa was placed in the Maha Dasa of Venus. By September 1905, when the theory of special relativity, which gave birth to the modern universe, was published, scholar Einstein was paying the subtle inter-dasa of Venus in the Mahadasa, Guru-in the inter-dasa, Guru-in the Pratyanta dasha, Mercury in the sub-dasa.

Then the Dashas of Ravi, Chandra and Kuja passed and on 03/08/1939, the Mahadasha of Rahu took place. We know that the two malefic planets Mars and Rahu were placed in his kendra marakasthan. Although Mars is a severe sinner who is the ruler of blood, Mars is not malefic, lording over a sin house (6) and having power (exalted) in a sin house (8). Alternately gives longevity and protection. Being the ruler of the enemy station, he saved the native from all the enemy dangers. The evil moon in the enemy's place further misled the enemies by being vile.

But the mahadasa of Rahu in the 8th conjunct Mars brought about his death. Scientist Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 when Rahu was passing Parama Shukshma Athru Dasha (Deha Athru Dasha) in Rahu's Mahadasha.

About BKDP Balasooriya


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