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Erashtaka of Saturn.

It is absurd to think that there is someone in this country who does not know about Saturn or Shani's Erashtaka. "It's like a henahura broke into the beggar's bowl", "Did he get the henhura?", "Where did this henhura come from?" If we think in terms of rural idioms like, it is not difficult to understand what kind of knowledge and attitude the society has towards 'Saturn'. There is hardly any other planet that has had such an impact on people's consciousness. Who does not know about Saturn who fed Lord Vishnu cabbage!

According to some Indian legends, Saturn is the forerunner of King Yama. That is, Saturn gives the karmic results that one gets in this world, and King Yama gives the karmic results that one gets in the next world.

The influence of Shani is intensified during the Mahadasha or Athrudasha or Erashtaka period. As far as I know till date (28/03/2023) no book written in Sinhala or any other source has defined what "Erashtaka" is. Actually the simple meaning of the Sanskrit term "erashtaka" is "seven and a half (7.5)" (era + ashtaka --> first half of eight). As Shani's Erashtaka period is about 7.1/2 years, it is possible that this term has been used.

There are four types of erashtakas of Shani.

i. Lagna Erashtaka.

ii. Jamma Erashtaka.

iii. Quaternary Erashtaka.

iv. Ashtama Erashtaka.

By entering the 12th in the native's Kendra from Saturn, one gets the "Lagna Erashtaka". Leaving the 2nd pays the Lagna Erashtaka. Total duration is around 7.1/2 years.

"Jamma Erashtaka" period passes when the Moon enters the Rasi in the 12th and leaves the Moon in the 2nd. This is also a period of 7.1/2 years.

The time of moving in 4th is "Chaturtha Erashtaka" and the time of moving in 8th is "Ashtam Erashtaka". The duration of Charutha and Ashtama Erashtaka is 2.1/2 years each. By definition it is not correct to call these "erashtaka" but that term is generally accepted for Saturn's malefic periods. The correct term is 'dahiya kala'.

Among these, the most powerful is 'Jamma Erashtaka'. Then 'Lagna Erashtaka', 'Ashtama Erashtaka' and 'Chaturtha Erashtaka' become powerful respectively. It seems that the 'Chaturtha Erashtaka' mentioned at the end has been ignored in many cases.


It has been said earlier that "Jamma Erashtaka" is the most powerful of the four Erashtakas. Moon being in lagna at birth causes both "Lagna Erashtaka" and "Jamma Erashtaka" to be applied simultaneously. The simultaneous application of these two Erashtakas is more powerful than the application of one Erashtaka alone. And 'Cancer' is the worse sign than Saturn in the zodiac. In the water sign belonging to the water planet Moon, Ruksha Karkasha Saturn is cast. It must be said that the time when Saturn is in Cancer is a very bad time for the whole world. Therefore, simultaneous Erashtakas when the Lagna is Cancer and the Moon is from there, are worse than Erashtakas when the Lagna is in other constellations. Also, if at birth Saturn gives full vision to the Moon and when it is malefic, the Moon in the Lagna does not have the vision of a benefic like Guru and only the vision of Saturn falls, if the degree in which the Moon was is that of Saturn, and if Saturn is also powerful from the time of religion, then the time of Arashtaka In the case of the Moon's Mahadasa, the Erashtaka thus applied is literally "Saturn's Jamma-Lagna Erashtaka". If such erashtaka applied;

1. It dissolves all other planetary results, yoga results, dasha results and gives only Erashtaka results.

2. Soon after receiving Erashtaka, the native's left leg becomes disabled. Even a small wound, no matter how many people take care of it, eventually heals. Gives infinite pain and sharpens.

3. Consciousness changes.

4. All possible calamities occur with advancing age

5. Receives many insults inappropriate to age or status. Even the closest family members are disgusted. Frightened suspects dwell in the unknown. Often, if he can walk, he runs away from home and hides in faraway places, begging, raining, mosquitoes, etc., and walking for miles, bleeding from his legs. Sa is suffering from hunger and thirst. Clean water is never available for drinking. Gahana becomes a ghost in this world with sores oozing smelly Ojas from months of unwashed or unwashed clothes.

6. When Saturn transits the navamsha in which the Moon was in the middle of Erashtaka, the soul dies. 

About BKDP Balasooriya


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